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Types of Memberships

REALTOR® Membership

CAAR offers both primary and second REALTOR® membership. A primary member of CAAR if they pay local, state and national dues through CAAR. A secondary member if they pay current state or national dues through another association/board.

Let’s talk about REALTOR® benefits! Download the flyer.

Affiliate Membership

An affiliate is a trusted expert in our local community that compliments the real estate industry. Affiliates can gain valuable exposure to REALTORS® through networking and sponsorships.

REALTOR® Broker and New Firm Membership

CAAR welcomes primary and secondary REALTOR® Broker membership, where members can take advantage of the benefits, services, and programs CAAR has to offer.

MLS Only Participant

Do you have a primary REALTOR® membership with another board but are interested in MLS only participation? MLS only access does require Broker participation. 

How To Become A REALTOR®

We welcome your interest in becoming a REALTOR®! Charlottesville Area Association of REALTORS® (CAAR) is an excellent resource as you begin your career. CAAR offers all the educational support and tools you will need to help make you a successful REALTOR®. Before you can call yourself a REALTOR®, though you have to get your sales license. Already licensed? Skip to Step 2!


Getting Licensed:

To obtain a Virginia real estate salesperson’s license you must:
Current Virginia Education Pre-License Requirements

The Virginia Real Estate Board currently requires anyone wishing to obtain a real estate license to complete, with a passing grade, a state-approved, 60-hour course called “The Principles of Real Estate.” This course is to cover the principles and practices of real estate as well as Virginia real estate law.

CAAR works with The CE Shop to provide access to pre-licensing education resources. Click on their logo to learn more! 


Join the Association:

How to Become a Broker
To obtain a Virginia broker’s license you must:
Educational Requirements:


Please contact membership@caar.com

Become a REALTOR®

Be your own boss, a leading expert in the field, and a fair housing advocate.



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